This work explores the concept of resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. The figures are armored and ready for battle, grimacing against the challenges they face, continuing on with shouts of inner motivation. The work developed out of my experimentation with dance observation and interpreting dance using calligraphic brush strokes. I began to see how the dancers moved in relation to both inward and outward signifiers. My own work began to respond in the same way and simultaneously chaotic and beautiful abstractions formed the idea of the overwhelming busy-ness of my life. Like the characters in these drawings, I found myself protecting myself with "emotional" armor and motivating myself through words and phrases that helped me keep perspective.
The collection was first shown at God Hates Robots gallery in Salt Lake City, Utah in May 2016. It was shown again from September 30—Dec.8, 2016, at the Katherine W. Dumke Fine Arts & Architecture Gallery in the J. Willard Marriott Library of the University of Utah.